Colloidal Silver Products and Supplies Untitled Document

Colloidal Silver Products, Services and Supplies

The following products and services have been chosen with three ideas in mind:

1. Quality

2. Fairness in Pricing & Presentation

3. Dedication to Knowledge & Service

We are not affiliated with any of the vendors listed, nor do we receive any type of compensation for referrals.

99.9% Pure 9 cm fine silver rods - perfect for colloidal silver generation!

99.9% Silver Rods from Coyote ZEnterprises
Retail Price $10.00


The Coyote ZEnterprises Current Controlled
Colloidal Silver Generator

Coyote ZEnterprise "advanced" colloidal silver generator
Notice the two inch spacing between rod insertion points...

The Coyote generator in these photos has been used extensively for over a year. All apparent "damage" to the generator ( nicks, discoloration, ect ) is the result of an incredible amount of use. The shipped model, new, was flawless both in design and appearance.

Multi-featured colloidal silver Generator priced with a conscience.

Features include: Controlled Current Circuitry, standard "plug-in" power source ( compatible with other power sources as well ), and snap-in silver electrode adapter. Includes all parts necessary.

Retails for $75.00

Coyote ZEnterprises also markets a high quality stirring device for $125.00 for increased command over particle distribution ( reduces sludge formation ).

Natural-Immunogenics Corp.®

When nothing but the best will do....

offers colloidal silver batch testing at a highly affordable price, featuring a parts-per-million test and/or particle size testing using electron microscope photography. They also market the highest quality colloidal silver we've ever seen, achieving a highly ionic isolated silver product with incredibly small and fully dispersed silver particles. A true example of a mastery of the three principles of isolated colloidal silver production listed in the basic tutorial. Natural-Immunogenics' dedication to excellence far exceeds anything we've seen on the market.

The highest quality colloidal silver solution we've seen

Electron microscope photo of Natural-Immunogenics brand Colloidal Silver

Ionic Silver - .0006 - .003 microns with complete dispersion

Visit Natural-Immunogenics Inc.

Electron microscope photo of a clean batch of low-voltage Colloidal Silver production using the battery method.

.007 - .018 microns with traces of .001 microns

Visit Natural-Immunogenics website!

SilverGen SG7 Pro

High Volume Constant Current Colloidal Silver Generator

The SG7 Pro by SilverGen is the only high capacity colloidal silver generator that we've seen that produces a colloidal silver that is dispersed properly throughout the solution and does not display signs of extreme agglomeration.




















The SG7 is designed to produce 2 gallons of a 5 PPM colloidal silver per hour, uses an FDA approved ( for food ) container, sports "self-cleaning" electrodes, is calibrated for a high quality product at 15-20ppm ( custom specifications available ), and utilizes constant current technology for precise control over colloidal silver production.

The SilverGen unit produces a colloidal silver that is 80 - 85% ionic ( 15 - 20% particulate ) with particles sized between .0006 - .005 microns in diameter.

The quality of colloidal silver produced by this high capacity generator is unsurpassed in high capacity home production units. If you are in the market for a premium quality high volume generator, we strongly suggest visiting SilverGen's Website for further information!


TEM of a colloidal silver produced by the SilverGen SG7 Pro

Silveron™ Consumer Products

Silveron manufactures an incredibly advanced FDA approved wound dressing used to treat the most severe wounds imagineable. Silveron wound dressing is likely the greatest advance in wound care management since the advent of Silver Sulfadiazine Cream, and works by delivering silver ions directly into infected/healing tissues.

Silveron Consumer Products is a line of products available to retail consumers which includes Silveron socks, gloves, and a first aid kit. Made from thier bioactive fabric™, Silveron products are anti-microbal, employing an amazing technology with numerous benefits.Be certain to visit the Silveron website!

Other Related Products

  • Oxytech Hydrogen Peroxide ( 35% Food Grade ) - $11.30 for 16 ounces + $4.00 for shipping and handling ( add 1.00 for each additional bottle ). An excellent price.
  • Cayenne Pepper ( powder ) - 100,000 HU. Top quality cayenne pepper suitable for medicinal use. When the page loads, type 'cayenne' in the product search box at the top of the page ( see our page on using cayenne for further information ).
  • An Excellent supplier of 99.9% and 99.99% silver in bulk - C.C. Silver and Gold
  • Find an Omron ultrasonic nebulizer on ( the handheld units are best but not always available ).

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